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Walks & Wildlife

Yeomadon farm holiday cottages are set with our 130 acre holding. Our family have farmed this land since the early 1900's, throughout which time farming practices have evolved and changed.

Recently we have planted a government backed woodland with native tree's around the outside and commercial fur and spruce in the middle, approximately 30,000 trees were planted in February 2022. This has created a peaceful 2km walk around the outside of the plantation. The remaining meadows around the cottages are farmed in a low input manor to encourage wildlife.

Click here to read the Forestry Canopy Foundations article about our plantation project.

Woodland walks

A walk around the farm will take you through a small oak copse, down to the lakes and then through to a larger 4 acre oak woodland. The woodland is a carpet of bluebells and primroses in spring and full of lovely colours in the autumn. Most of the walks are on gravel paths and tracks so that they are easy to walk even in winter.

The woods are also teeming with wildlife including Greater spotted woodpeckers and their rapid bursts of drumming echo around the farm. Deer, foxes and badgers have also been spotted in the woodland as well as plenty of smaller wildlife.


Apart from the fish there is an abundance of wildlife around the lakes. There are hundreds of dragon flies and damsel flies, some sound like helicopters as they buzz past. Kingfishers have been regularly spotted and some even land on fishing rods. Ducks and moorhens raise young on the lakes every year. We also get Canada geese visiting every winter. Yeomadon has 2 pairs of buzzards and barn owls nest nearby. The fish also attract Heron and Cormorants.

Bats nest in one of our barns and can be clearly be seen every evening at dusk, when they come out to feed on the insects.

Culm grassland

Culm grassland is a type of marshy pasture and is one of Europe's most valuable wildlife habitats. Spending most of the year looking sodden,drab and brown, culm grassland comes to life in early summer, and this is when it's true value can be seen , providing a haven for wild flowers, butterflies and insects. Most of this habitat has disappeared during the last 50 years but small areas still remain.

Yeomadon Farm has a small area of Culm which runs along the edge of a stream and wooded area. This is a lovely peaceful area of the farm.

We have recently added batteries to our solar panels to increase the sustainability of our business and reduce our carbon footprint.
This project was part funded by Torridge District Council through the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

Funded by Torridge District Council and UK Government

© Copyright 2025 Yeomadon Farm